Simon can drawSimon can drawLogo perhaps ..

Local Industry

March 11, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

Local Industry

Everyday driving to work, I am surrounded by the most amazing structures... Coupled with amazing skies and lightening effects, I have a had a big desire to draw them.  So finally, I have gotten around to making some studies and taking some photographs.  All the time I am thinking  film set, never mind blade runner - this is the place for a sci-fi!! 

It was a beautiful day and walk was reminding me not to sit too long in my house drawing but get out here and sketch. Especially as the structures I was looking at are alien to me, I dont really understand what any of them are or do! 

This is a Blind Continuous Line Drawing - with only a bit of cheating - i.e you are not supposed to take the pen off the paper or look at the paper... Those experts out there will know - I cheated a bit and looked and took my pen off the paper!! But only a bit!!


Star Wars Big Crane things

I should really colour this one - its such fun.

However I went on to make drawings from the photos rather scratchy in places, especially when I am just not sure what is going on!! Can you see which bit this is on the final image... - no prizes as yet!

Bit at Bottom of Crane Side of river with stuff ...

I then went on to do this ...  TeesmouthTeesmouthOrange Sky's

Which I love to bits!!  The sea grass was a later edition after my husband insisted it should have some nature in the foreground.  I had to agree - this is what is so fascinating - we are in the middle of a nature reserve..... It's these juxtapositions that are so exciting .. so perhaps I will be keeping my eyes open for our local foxes, pheasants, herons, and mad march hares.... Or even the odd Colin the Robot!!

Teesmouth with colinTeesmouth with colinHe looks worried x

This so makes me laugh - perhaps I am on to something.... xx 

Thanks for reading !!



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Once a Community Artist, now an Lecturer at CCAD, this blog is about my personal creative journey.  Recently married to a guy who loves photography,  who gave me an impetus to create alongside him.  So out came the pens, paper and the computer.  My illustrations, are created via the support of 3 very industrious cats, so any criticism I past that straight to them....  I hope you like and would love any feedback... 
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